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Mazda Engine General \  Breather Filter

Breather Filter

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 9
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hex0rz   +1y
I'm in desperate need of a breather filter for my valve cover! I need to get ahold of one that fits our trucks! I went to Schucks by my house and they have one, but the hole is too big! Could I somehow get a grommet of some sort?
1hotdawg   +1y
I bought an APC cone style from Advance Auto Parts for like $9, and it fit like a glove

hex0rz   +1y
Wow, this is ridiculous.... I measured the breather hose coming off the valve cover and the hole was 5/8". I'm pretty sure it is 5/8. But anyways, I've tried EVERY auto store in my city, and not ONE has one that will fit my truck! I don't know what to do... I'm so screwed! I need to get my new carb on. I'm getting 12 mpg now! I suppose I could try e-bay, but then I have to wait a week for it to get here. And Advance Auto Parts does'nt have a store in my city, so ya....
nytrdr24   +1y
k& n sells those filters, i didn't know apc had one, but anyhow, get the p/n for the corresponding filter that will fit, then go to summit, they have 2 day delivery & free shipping, last i looked, i think they were about $30 or so.....
nytrdr24   +1y
here's a link to the k&n's
hex0rz   +1y
Hey nytrdr, thanks for the effort! I appreciate it alot! I just went and did a circle around town. On the journey to my last resort, I stopped at a Schucks on the way. Thought I might better my odds. And whattya know, I did! I got an apc universal fit breather filter for $5!

I've got everything torn apart now. My problem is they say I need to remove the dashpot assemble, high altitude compensator, and 3 hoses on the manifold. I have not a clue about what they are talking about and I cant find anything in my manual! Yikes!

Okay and the interesting thing is, they said I need to cut the choke wire and put on their adaptor. Well, when I took the carb off, there is this black plastic plate under the carb. It went to the choke! So I don't understand what to do? Do I just leave the plate and install the gasket they provided under it and hook it up to my new carb? I have a diff. alt. than stock so I dunno how I could hook that wire up to the alt.

Just a little confused and would rather not start another thread, but I would like feedback ASAP! Thanks for the help guys.

EDIT: And btw, its such an irony that the parts they supply don't fit! My adaptor plate they gave me has to be ground down so I can fit the hex bolt. Well, whattya know WEBER! I don't have a freaking grinder!
nytrdr24   +1y
the black plate is the pre-heater, you only need it if it gets cold around your house, it warms up the carb on cold days to prevent it from freezing was the wiring hooked up to the choke w/ the non stock alt. it should just require a switched / constant 12 volt source. in other words, it shouldn't be hot unless the key is on in the ignition, but have a constant hot once the key is on....if the wiring to the choke was undone, just find a switched constant & hook it to the choke & pre-heater plate if you use it.
as far as the dashpot & other items, the vaccum diagram that is on here will be slightly helpful, it is one from a chiltons, & the chiltons has the discription for all the #'d parts on the diagram.....the high alt. sensor is on the passenger fenderwell close to the firewall, & the three hoses should be self explanitory. hope some of this rambling helps
1hotdawg   +1y
Haha had no clue what that black plate was, and really with the Holley swap it needed to go anyway or else I don't think I could have got an air cleaner to clear the hood lol, atleast not the one I have now .
hex0rz   +1y
Well, I took the black plate out and put on the adaptor pieces for the weber. Instead, I took the wire off the plate that has a clip and it fit a clip on my alternators harness. They said the wire that I hooked it up to could be used for a tach. It is a 7 volt, and I hooked it up to that for the choke. But I dunno now since you said 12. It seems fine?

My question now is, that it will start at 3k rpm almost when it is warming up and then will go down. But I was a little scared about having it that high. Although, at my shop today, my buddies told me that it is okay for it to be that high for it to warm up. But they are the muscle car fanatics...

I just wonder if I have everything tuned right. I mean it runs smooth, idles at about 750 rpm and all. But I adjusted the screw for the butterflies, I just hope its right, lol. Could that be why it starts at 3k rpm?
nytrdr24   +1y
it very well could be 7 volt, i can't remember what the voltage should be off the factory should idle a little high at first start when cold, but not 3k more like 1.5k area.....since it has been so cold, you might have to readjust your carb when the temps are more normal for that area......
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