maztang (ryan)
sweet man. you will love it! the only thing you want to make sure to do is put locktite on the screws and bolts. i am going to the texmex car show this weekend so i will help you out as much through here right now. the carburetor is easy to install with bare minimum of tools. it comes with instructions and is pretty self expanitory. the timing is like this...
there is a spring right behind the timing belt, loosen the tensioner bolt and pull the spring off. then pull the timing belt off. with the timing belt off, turn your crankshaft until the number one cylinder is at top dead center. then turn your camshaft until the number 1 is pointing up. then stab your distributor so that the rotor is pointing to where the number one plug wire goes. then install the timing belt, install the spring, then tighten the tensioner. try to crank it up. if it doesn't want to crank, your camshaft may be 180 degrees out. pull the timing belt back off, pull the distributor back out, and turn the camshaft 180 degrees, then restab the distributor and reinstall the timing belt. i hope this helps. later.