Ive been having problems with my carb functioning correctly, and I knew there was something wrong with it, but just couldnt put my finger on it. I went to a guy I knew that was very good with carbs, and he set me straight.
For me, my problem was the electric choke on the stock carb, it wasnt working. They way its supposed to work, is the truck's computer realizes it warmed up, so then it send a signal to the alternator which then sends power to the elctric choke to open the carb up completely.
So if your choke isnt working properly, be sure to check all the wiring that goes to and from the carb. One of my connections to the alternator wasnt getting connectivity, the one female end was bad. After that was changed I was good to go!
So its running like a champ! So be sure to check your electrical connections guys!