lets see some throphys and metals, share some storys of how you made it to where your at in your KUSTOM Scene today and what you plan to accomplish
My self ive always been the one to take a P.O.S. and turn it in to gold, i think its so damn funny for all your frinds and homies to laugh at your shit then about six mos later they all want to roll with you hang all over it think its so kool to have somthing to raise up and down, but at the same time not know how much heartache,& blood sweat and tears and relationships were torn apart b/c of a $1000 truck. My self the Kustom scene is a life style and wether it be Minis, fulsizes, hot rods, or VWs, it dont matter which you clasify yourself guys and now gals, where part of somthing special and remarkable so dont ever say your shits not worthy of beeing show quality b/c its day will come, just be patiant ive had a project "OLD SKEWL" shes an 83' B2000 its been blown up for two years and it was the firrst truck i ever built and ive promiced my self not sell it and make somthing awsome out of it so its aside now and im workin on my daily 86' B2000:
the build up:
1st show after ENDLESS 06':
1st ever Trophy:
Best UnderConstruction @ Import Faceoff in Montgomery,AL man i was so jazzed