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Mazda Engine General \  Sealant for Weber carb adapter plates

Sealant for Weber carb adapter plates

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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toddzda   +1y
Hey guys, I was looking at all 23 pages of engine section thankand came across a few post but still didnt get the answer i am lookin for. few people said they use hylomar non hardening gasket sealant, and black rtv sealant. some peoeple told me not even use gasket sealant and others told me to use black rtv. i just got my 32/36 yesterday n it raining today so i cant install it until tmw. now which sealant should i use? also 1 more??, i just about to install my new accel coil n noticed that 1 wire is not hooked up from disb, it a little black block mounted to the disb body, does that go to postive or neg? any help would be awesome. cant wait to get it started!
hex0rz   +1y
I really wish people visit more of the forum. LOL, I don't get any credit for posting all the info about the Weber...

Anyhoo! Get Permatex non-hardening gasket sealant. It comes in a little can and you brush it on.

VERY NICE! Its resistant to gas and whatnot, cause silicon will deteriorate from the gas.

I used just the gaskets one time, and I had such a bad vacuum leak it would'nt start and it would have the meanest whistle!
maztang (ryan)   +1y
i didn't use anything other than the gaskets and mine is fine but if you have to use it, just make sure you use it on the outside edge of the gasket so that you don't get it anywhere close to the intake. i would try to install it using just the gaskets first.
sprucemonkey   +1y
I used Vaseline. No leaks and its been 7 months.
mazdatweaker   +1y
post deleted
Post was last edited on May 14, 2009 06:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
hex0rz   +1y
I tried using my carb with no sealant, and the plates were warped. Bad vacuum leak, and had a horrible whistle that the truck would die.

So I went and got permatex. Its not like a silicon. Its like a liquid and definitely did'nt cause a vacuum leak, but fixed it!

All I say is that I'm voicing my experience and all he wanted to know is what sealant he should use if any.
mazdatweaker   +1y
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Post was last edited on May 14, 2009 06:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
toddzda   +1y
Thanks for the info people, Didnt need the sealant at all! I got it on n running yesterday! It running good! I ended up ordering the wrong air cleaner adapater so i just need to wait on that n i can start driving it again!!!
Cusser   +1y
I used Permatex Form-a-Gasket with my 32/36 install, the stuff in a little jar. I used just a little.
twisted minis   +1y

Thats what ya want. It comes in a little can with a top that unscrews. You want the stuff thats blood red and real stringy. You can open the jars at the auto store to make sure you get the right one, they have several. I use that stuff all the time putting engines together.