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Mazda Engine General \  changed out motor and only back fires ocasionally

changed out motor and only back fires ocasionally

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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posimazi   +1y
well first off i just dropped in a motor in my 86 mazda b2000 . got the motor from a friend that said he pulled it a year ago got it in got it wired still finishing up some vacum lines but decided to see if it would fire. looked at crank lined up markes put distributer in with button facing toward front of truck wired the cap according to mazda so far it apears to be out of gas poured some in carb and hit starter button( no keys so found starter wire and accesory wire on back of ignition switch installed toggle and push button for starter) motor cranks fine but seems to back fire out exhaust manifold and some out intake have been moving distributer adjustment back and forth to see if there was any improvement so far just crank with ocasional back fire. i notice that i am missing large vacuum line that i belive comes off lower side of intake i believe its for the brake booster also cant seem to find the spot for the electric choke wire to connect have read so far it hooks into back of alternator. its cold its south dakota the choke is closed while attemping to start. Any sugestions could having that vacum hose not plugged at least on intake cause this much of an isue and can i simply plug it for now to see if it will fire? sorry to be long winded but figured the more i tell the better diagnosis you have. so again no choke wire no brake booster line and open vacuum hoses for for aircleaner , did pull number 4 plug wire and getting ample spark while cranking.also needing new thermal sensor on bottom of intake due to breaking it off while dropping motor in. is there also any other wires needed to actually start truck lights on dask come on with acessories.
2slow5.0   +1y
have you put the motor a TDC, then routed the wires? pull the #1 plug, insert finger, bump the starter untill it blows your finger out, remove dis cap. were ever the rotor is pointing thats number 1.

also are you sure that you have the timining right? mine would run if it was a tooth off. ive seen others that will.

the no key thing bothers me. finish the truck/install then worry about firing it up.
2slow5.0   +1y
double post
Post was last edited on Sep 20, 2007 01:09. This post has been edited 1 times.
slammedyota91   +1y
if it blows out the carb your 180 out..... with out the vacuum on the booster it wont run, mine if i disconnect it it dies....
posimazi   +1y
well i put crank at tdc but didnt check whether the cam is properly lined up made the asumption that it is due to him telling me i ran when he pulled it but tonight will pull the # one plug and make sure its at tdc and also puled timing chain cover again pulled it once to ensure belt was good but will put crank on tdc and make sure cam is also in line. any idea what color the wire is on an 86 b2000 that the elctric choke hooks to.?
slammedyota91   +1y
alternator, least mine does/did, theres a plug on the end that goes into the bacl of the alt.
dropped90(justin)   +1y
sounds like to me that you have some wires crossed. the firing order is 1,3,4,2 double check that and make sure.

posimazi   +1y
well due to an unexpect blind date havent been able to recheck the timing that is the after work plans will follow up with response tonight or tommorrow cant wait to hear the truck run again need to remove steering lock yet to let me loose let me know of any suggestions on that.
slammedyota91   +1y
take column plastics off and and grind the ignition tabs in the middle to make them semi flat head screws, unscrew them remove the assembly on the bottom youll see a rectangular object that goes up and down, and either grind it off or glue it down, then reassemble
posimazi   +1y
Well with every finger i had crossed after pulling distributer and realigning dimple with line put it back together found tdc with #1 plug out and then put it back in i it fired seems to have sprayed oil in driver side fender not sure it it was from sitting for a year and running opend manifold or if it something to do with dipstick out not sure cracked upen some blue yumis and called it a night sold my 87 b2000 single cab today and now to go all out on this truck will stay up all night getting radiator in and steering colum lock off and last few lower trany bolts in and wire my electric choke up and get my tags in the morning cut out the stupid as brace some retard i sold it to welded in to keep it from draggin the box around town why c notch and then some idiot welds it up to keep from draggin. got my 2 kicker es 12s out and mtx amp and ran wires last night need to start fabin some doors up and i will be rollin it again 1.5 years later this was a 1 man motor swap start to finish i did the suspension my self to 1.5 years ago. last night the truck was happy to be home with its roller. saturday night in ball joint flipping time with shorty shocks and sunday it getting the old alarm back on it. again in the matter of last weekend and this weeked truck went from busted crank to will be rollin lower than before.