up front you wont have leafs so your left with a little lift from the torsions.....or i guess u could make drop brackets for all of the suspension components......
Out back, do a spring over axle (SPOA) lift...once you do that you can use extended shackles and perches (i think thats the right word.....the fornt leaf mount on the frame) to lift it even more if you want even more lift.....but just the SPOA should give u about 4 inches of lift.......
OR........i guess up front you could do a solid axle swap and use everything from an 80's yota....
axle, leafs, perches, shackles....all of it....
but then your left trying to get the rearend gears matched up unless you got the rearend from the same yota and moved the leaf mounts on the axle......