2500s will do just fine bro
2600s are nice, just have to go the extra step to get them to not rub in our trucks
some advantages you'd get by shoving a 2600 type bag in the front would be less pressure needed to lift your truck, because the 2600 bag has more surface area, so not as much pounds per square inches (psi) is needed to lift the truck compared to a 2500...only draw back you get is that it takes a tad more air out of your tank, because as it is taking less pressure to lift the truck you are using more volume
on bag type, its more of preference....i run firestones, they are very reliable bags..last a long time as well. downside with them is that their outer diameter expands as you fill them, so it needs a tad more room around it so it doesnt rub anything. Slam specialty bags are really nice. they have heavy duty rubber and do not expand as you fill them. so pretty much whatever room you have around the bag when it is layed out is the room you'll have around the bag at full lift. Slams are ideal for very tight clearances. 2500 type bag in slams is the RS62, 2600 type is RS72...slam also carries a smaller bag which also works well which is the RS52...small bag, but will hold a 4cyl mazda no probs