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Engine \  need help on 2.3l engine

need help on 2.3l engine

Engine Isuzu Tech
views 960
replies 5
following 3
93zuzu89   +1y
i've had my truck since june 07 and since i've got it, its starting to act up more and more. every now and then it'll act as if the gas isn't going into the engine at all. like i'll press the gas and they'll be a hesitation in acceleration. i've had it worked on and it seems to do better but i still can tell its doing it. sometimes i've even been driving and it just stop giving gas to the engine and i'll take my foot off the gas and press it again and nothing happens. my dad and the guy that worked on it swares up and down its the carb but its been cleaned and everything. i seem to think its the fuel pump? am i right? or is it something else? thanks.
eatinpavement   +1y
this might sound dumb, but did you change the fuel filter?
93zuzu89   +1y
yeah i've changed that. it ran great for like a day. then the problem continued.
lowzone1   +1y
hows the cap and rotor? wires? and plugs? the 2.3L carbs are infamous for crapping out and they usually dump more fuel then needed when they wear out. how many miles are on the truck? also the accelorator pump inside the carb could be going or the fuel pump is going....alot of things could be wrong. look under your truck, is the fuel pump leaking oil out of the rubber tube that attaches to it? if so, the pump is going
93zuzu89   +1y
cap and rotor, i don't know. plugs and wires are new. i do have an oil leak somewhere under my truck. i was thinking it was coming from the oil pan, but there is some oil around the fuel pump.
lowzone1   +1y
check the hose coming out of the fuel pump, if its wet, your pump is on its way out. the internals of the pump are lubed using the motors oil and its passed thru the fuel pump push rod and if the pump goes bad, the oil goes out that overflow tube. it should be run down the motor mount on the frame. check it out...that should be your problem
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