well as anyone knows on the mazda to have to remove your sway bar to bag your truck. ive bagged more than a few rides in my life time, and after driving my truck last night, i just really just want to be able to drive it hard into corners. i have 4 valves up front, so the air doesnt transfer from bag to bag but it still kinda sways a little bit. has anyone ever reinstalled their swaybars on their maz after baggin it? maybe make some new mounts on the upper controll arm and run it infront of the motor, something other than on the lower controll arm. im tring to get my 302 ready to put in my mazda and i really would like it to handle better, and i know with the added weight im gonna have more corner weight. anyone out there know or have done it or seen someone install the sway bar on the front of a bagged b-series?