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Mazda Lowering Static \  anyone actually do this before?

anyone actually do this before?

Mazda Lowering Static Mazda Suspension Mazda Tech
views 968
replies 5
following 5
mazdamandan   +1y
Okay, I dont want any suppositions or "opinions" on this.
I just want to know if anyone has actually DONE IT!

Combined - Lower DROP arm
- Drop spindle
- reangled the upper arm (to prevent binding up top)
And what size of wheel was used (overall diameter)
Static or air, I would just like to know if it worked and if so , how well?
And, what was the total drop.
Model numbers on the parts and sources, or dealers would be appreciated.

Even with the years of experience I have I have always modified the stock equipment.
Thanx in advance.
robbie   +1y
about a 6" drop. would need atleast 18" rims to keep them from rubbing the control arm. I would'nt do it.
flameds10(tyler)   +1y
i don't think u can flip the ball joints with drop spindles
balcar   +1y
you can but its pointless unless you plan on running a 22" rim or something. LOL Hell just build a turublar arm and save some money. Not to mention spindles push the wheels out. (aim shit sucks)

Fliping ball joints u can lay with stock spindle just fine with a 18" rim.
mazdamandan   +1y
sorry guys I realise that drop spindles usually come set up to invert the balljoints with the taper in the right direction.

Has anyone done just the lower control arm w flipped bjs? Better yet anyone know where to get em.

And why is AIM crap? Do they break , are they poorly constructed? do they cause side effects?
nytrdr24   +1y
djm makes the control can get them thru stylinconcepts, i haven't seen them any cheaper any where else, if someone else has, please speak up.....

as far as aim's stuff, the spindles cause you to run a little wider in the front, so it is harder to tuck, you can't run a wheel with a large amount offset (i.e. "deep dish wheels") or they will crack / break, not to mention their customer service is usually poor at it's best, & their products usually have poor fitment & overall quality, they act like they are giving you a deal, then double charge you for shipping.....
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