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Mazda Lowering Static \  your opinion on a 2 link set up

your opinion on a 2 link set up

Mazda Lowering Static Mazda Suspension Mazda Tech
views 1414
replies 11
following 9
kris   +1y
i need the pros and cons between a 2 link and 4 link i only have a front and back set up i hit no sides and i have a 12ga fuel cell to go in to run the 4 link. i rather have a 4 link but my installer wants to do a 2 link. also what do i need to do to lay frame ( nothing is installed yet but will be towards the end of next month) i have z 71 wheels to go on wit 205 40 16 tires and i plan on dragging the truck so whats the best way to protect the gas and air lines i was thinking about getting fire proof covering for them.....
droppedmitsu   +1y

pinion angle only good at ride height
bad articulation
pulls wheels forward when layed out
slammedmini469   +1y
keep in mind that if he is planning on using the stock front leaf hangers as the link mounts, you wont lay full frame
slammed83mazda   +1y

do it right the first time and go with a 4 link.

your front will lay crossmember before it lays frame, but if you drag thru it you wont have a problem.
slammeddime   +1y
If the installer won't do what YOU, the CUSTOMER wants, then find another installer. If he's not capable of installing a forward 4 link, then he shouldn't be installing anything.
devb22   +1y

Everytime someone asks for an opinion on rear setups it always turns into one BIG HATE THREAD!

So lets just help the guy out by giving him the opinions only and keeping our true feelings about everyone else's opinions inside....

He just has a simple question, that deserves a simple answer!


This guy asked the same question, and ACTUALLY go some good answers!

Good luck, and go with whatever makes you happy! I am stayin with my Forward Triangulated 4-Link

slammed83mazda   +1y
im not being an ass about this, but no one is obviously hating on him here.
devb22   +1y

Oh I know, I was just tryin to keep it that way and just like you I am not trying to insult or be an ass either!

pont   +1y

He has a point Your paying for something. If he wont give it to you then I would find someone else to do it.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
I will try an put forth my .02

If the pinion angle changes too much from the proper/correct angle the u-joint & carrier bearing get a lot of abuse. This is not a problem if you raise it up, drive it, then drop it a a show. But - If you want to drag it (while moving at a decent speed with your foot to the floor), you would be MUCH better off installing a system that would limit the amount of pinion angle change throughout the full range of suspension motion.