Like Aaron said, if you do decide to run PTC, which is very convenient by the way, buy the PARKER brass DOT fittings. I run those and they are great. Haven't had a single fitting slip, crack, or leak and it has been 2.5 yrs of daily driving as of late. The only leaks I have ever had were from the GC valves I had.
Suicide doors carry the black plastic PTC fittings. DO NOT get those. They'll just be a headache. The brass fittings they do sell are the "thin" type. They are similar to the Nickel plated PTC fittings you can get, but brass. You will really be able to tell a Parker DOT PTC compared to those thin types. The push in sleeve on the Parkers are an 1/8th of an inch thick. Very good fittings and are worth every dime.