If you wanna hit side to side you will need a total of 8 valves (a dump and a fill for each corner). You say you have a 10 switch switch box so you probably will wire your switches for:
1 Front Driver Up/Down
2 Front Passenger Up/Down
3 Rear Driver Up/Down
4 Rear Passenger Up/Down
5 Driver Side Up/Down
6 Passenger Side Up/Down
7 Front Up/Down
8 Rear Up/Down
9 Pancake Up/Down
10 Z Saw (Front up all ass down)
Compression fittings have a brash crush fitting that fit on the hose and crush down to create an air tight (most of the time) seal. You need a wrench to put these together to tighten and loosin the nut that crushes the crush fitting.
Pros: Pretty good seal, this is what most people use, not bad in price
Cons: Do leak, can crack a nut, ect.
Push fittings you screw into your valves, bags, ect and then you just push the hose in with your hand. no tools needed. if you need to take the hose off for some reason you just push down the O ring and pull the line out and your good to go.
Pros: Great for quick fixes on the side of the road if you drag threw an airline, Easy to take the line in and out of if you have to in the shop, no tools required to take the line out
Cons: Little more expensive then compression fittings
Hope this helps you some