1. Buy All Your Equipment (bags, brackets, lines, wire, swtichbox, valves, fittings, notch, compressors, tank, gauges) everything
2. Bust out your welder and sawzall and dont be afraid lol
3. Cut off your front shock mounts and grind smooth flush with frame
4. Weld upper and lower bag brackets, and be certain to install gussets on the upper
5. Put the bags in and run the lines
6. Weld in your notch and cut out excess frame rail.
7. Weld bag brackets to either 4-link or axle
8. Weld upper crossmember for rear bags to gain support from
9. Install bags in rear and run lines
10. connect lines and fittings to tank and compressors
11. Run wires for switchbox
its not everything to detail lol but its a sketchy overview of things