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Mazda Lowering Static \  Snapped a T-Bar

Snapped a T-Bar

Mazda Lowering Static Mazda Suspension Mazda Tech
views 665
replies 9
following 8
mr.bbs   +1y
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I turned down the bolt while jacked up with an impact, drove 2 blocks, and the bracket bent off. Warning, do not use an impact to adjust t-bar torsions people..........
68sweet-n-low   +1y
that sucks man i hate if fo ya look like it caost ya some cash to get ehr home
hex0rz   +1y
I bet ya it was'nt because of the impact gun...
thebeaumartin   +1y
wow that almost never happends
lvnlo   +1y
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hit a steel track in a drive for an electric gate, had to jam a block of wood between lower contol and bumpstop to get home :O
mr.bbs   +1y

thats exactly what mine looked like, the wood idea is a great one, i wish i would have done that actually... except it was 2am and i had just worked on the truck for 4 hours........
hex0rz   +1y
Looks like metal fatigue to me...
snoplow   +1y
i hit a water service jacket, but only bent the back side. just used a 2lb and beat it back. made a 400 mi round trip after, no problems. you may be able to straighten them back out.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
i blame it on the spoke wheels. if you had wheels that tucked, then you could have still drove it without the tortion bar.
nytrdr24   +1y
sux man, lost mine at a gas station on one of the steel filler plates where the truckers fill the underground tank at, it actually jerked the whole bar off from the control arm, and bent the "fingers" like in the pic above...

bend the fingers back, and weld a plate across the fingers with a hole for the bolt to go thru, they won't be so suceptable to bending....
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