My firewall is kinda shaved,I only kept the booster and wiper motor. I but my wiper motor "behind" the firewall to shave that area, you'll see in the pics. It's not nessasary to go as far back into the firewall as I did, the reason I did it was I didn't want to modify the outside of the hood for the engine and I'm keeping my stock hood latch, I didn't want hood pins. So with the engine that far back it helped alot with room for radiator and electric fans, I'm running a short water pump and accesories. The engine in the pics is a mock up with long water pump. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
You can kinda see the wiper motor behind the firewall.
I still have to finish the area behind the dizzy.
In progrees.
Before seam sealer and dynamat.