I am retrofitting projectors into my Mustang headlights and the headlights are ebay special and the chrome hasnt seen hardly any sun and they are already F'n up. . . Pissin me offff. . .
SO! ! I wanna get em rechromed since I'm gonna be retrofitting em. . . And I wanna know if anyone on here can chrome em for a good price. . . I will send you jus the part that needs to be chromed and it should be pretty much ready to go. . Unless you have to strip the old chrome off. . But ya! ! Let me know yoh! !
I messaged a guy on s10forum that I know does it. . so I'm waitin for a response. . but I'd rather keep my money here. . .
Send it to New England Chroming Mass. They are cheap,fast and have amazing pricing. I probably still have pics of there work they did on a set of 67 camaro window posts. truly great work and it was POT metal which makes it even tougher