Try this link to check out products, their spec's and what people say about them, . The big brand names and the biggest prices are not always the best. Sorry pancaked, but JL Audio (even with the huge name and good looks) is middle class, don't get me wrong its good stuff but overpriced. Try Image Dynamics or kicker solo's subs. I put one 10" (bandpass box) in a civic a few months back with a JL 500 watt mono amp and when it was getting tuned I had to get out because it was killing my throat it was hitting so hard.
Try even looking at running one sweet 12" DVC sub. And rember, you can have the best speakers in the world but you have to be able to power them. I think that this is the biggest problem that people have. Also look into enclosure designs and what works best for the space that you have.
Put it this way, I have installed one twelve hit 142 db, and I have seen four 15"'s only hit 138db. Money does not make the system, its in the design.