i was just wanderin if any one has heard of an 84 be converted or maybe there is a bed so i can convert mine... if there is like a 90's models chevy stepside on one i'd like to get that i think id probably have to narrow it but i was wandering
Many moons ago there used to be a company in California that made fiberglass stepsides for Mazdas. Havent seen an ad for them in awhile but I bet there are still some out there. BJ
actually i swapped beds with a friend who wanted a straight bed so he could tuck 24s. honestly dude i dont know if itll fit your truck im kinda leaning towards no, but i could be wrong.
thats pretty bad ass i like that but if its to wide or somethin i could just narrow it huh?? and if i had to shorten it it it be alot of work but yours looks bad ass
that year is also the same as a ranger, so it looks proper, anything before mazda was bought out by ford, will look like ass without some mods to the bodtlines etc.