Nopistons96 - I had those seats in my first truck. They are my favorite. I still want a pair for this truck.
Right now I have 98 civic seats. Cut off the brackets with the bolt holes for factory civic use. Cut some 1/4 inch thick by 1.5 inch wide steel stock, to make tabs that I welded in position for the front mounts. For the back mounts I welded 1.25 inch square tubing across the back of the seat runners to make up for the hump on the floor at the front of our trucks, this keeps your seat level. Then welded 2 more tabs with holes on to the square bar for the rear location. With the head rests off the top of the seats sit just below the back window. I am 6 foot and have plenty of room for shifting, and still have a sub box all the way across the truck behind my seats.