nvious kreationz
----------INFORMATION CHOOSE!----------------------------
Post what date you can make it, if you can make both post both.
October 15th (Day AFTER UPS show)
October 22nd
Location Choices PICK ONE of the two so we can get a final location:
Laurel Hooters. Titties and Trucks! (Info here: )
Burtonsville CVS. After the local car show that runs from 8-12. There's a dunkin donuts here. Big parking lot that might attract other trucks but has to be luck there.
So pick one of THOSE dates and one of THOSE locations.
I'm down for either the 15th or the 22nd, doesn't matter. And I'll make the first vote for Titties and Trucks so Hooters for me.
Copy and paste with your info:
DarkCherryS10 Oct 15th or 22nd Laurel Hooters
Nvious Kreationz Oct 15th or 22nd Laurel Hooters
Dr. Pepper- Oct 15th or 22nd- Laurel Hooters