I will be there for sure. I am leaving on Friday from Jackson MS if anybody is close and would like to meet Up. I will be stopping fro the night in Springfield MO at a buddies house.
Doubt you know him. He goes by Boley. It is his last name he does not have a mini but has a minitruckin attitude. He is pretty much like my brother we grew up together in Cassville. Holla at me if you are heading up to MWDF on Sat. maybe we can start a small caravan.
theres a bunch of us leaving saturday morning from the mcdonalds on kansas and i-44. 7am if u wanna meet us there, its mostly the lasting guys if u know anyone from here.
Hey man sounds like a plan. Provided I am not still drunk from Friday night. I only get to see my bro like once every two months. Hey shoot me an email at tomorrow or tonight and I will shoot you back my #.