Hey Guys Whats Scrap'n? Im new to the scene with Mazdas.I had a Nissan 720 that was shaved to shit to bad i sold it but Mazdas FEEL better Ya Know What i mean Boys.
I wanna get some trick parts for my 1990 Mazda Ext.Cab...got any extras like rollpans or old school Groundeffects?or any trick parts? im kinda old school with my 15's and 50 series to bad i got lots of air time between my wheels,ive cranked down the torsion and gonna add blocks next week,im a cheap bastard and always looking for a deal!LOL..
Anyways what ever happened to that MAZDAROSSA body kit?no one sells it anymore..somebodys gotta have it burries away in a shop or something gathering dust.I wanna bring back some old school nastalga mang's.I cant find it ANYWHERE!!
Anyways if your in Cowtown or close to it with anything that trick for my Ext.Cab lemme know...Oh Yeah i also have an 88 reg.cab shortbox for sale too.motor has a bad piston but the rest is pretty good shape maybe we can do some swaps or something.or maybe you got a spare good 2.2ltr getting dusty cheap like BORSCHE .Give me a holla. Keep it low or go home.......D