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Canada \  For sale:1986 Mazda b2000

For sale:1986 Mazda b2000

Canada Events
views 6194
replies 26
following 16
whiterockscrappin   +1y
mazdadropped   +1y
WHY is everyone selling their truck u just built this thing keep it
whiterockscrappin   +1y
Life unfortunately doesn't always go the way we like.
Don't want to sell it but have to
will be a sad day when I see her drive away
bagged89mazda   +1y
please see forum rules - you either have to be a supporting member or have 50 posts in order to list things for sale . And please don't throw me under the bus i'm just stating the forum rules .
whiterockscrappin   +1y

Haha what a joke
Got nothing better to do? You really think with the amount of people that actually post on this section you think it actually matters? Lol

Too funny

Tryin to sell a mini truck and figured wow a mini truck site would make sense to post it on, guess I was wrong
Love the community!
baha   +1y
Actually it does matter you can sell stuff on here but you need a minimum of 50 posts. If that is to much to ask you can get a supporter membership for only $10.

I locked the thread let me know if you want to get a membership.
whiterockscrappin   +1y
Haha go fuck yourself and your pathetic board
Fuxking erase my account, this board is pontless and full of retards like you
Too bad you don't live near me I would love to see you rolling around

Take your shit board and shove it

baha   +1y
Haha it's pointless but you want to try to sell your stuff here? Maybe you should stand up and get off the pole you are sitting on. What's the big deal? $10 or make 50 posts, it's not hard if you aren't a retard....
whiterockscrappin   +1y
Yah big man
Forum Nazi
Run your mouth
This sites gay, not one other site I'm on " and there busy sites like actually getting posts daily" and not one requires anything to post whatever you want

No pole up my ass, straight up tellin you this site is shit
And u can call me what u want big guy who's thousands of miles away and can't get his face smashed into the back of his skull

Now go back to your forum sensoring big guy
Your a hero!
Maybe u will get a free sticker for ur pos lol
And if I had a stick up my ass, just means you would have shit all over ur fave after I bashed ur face in with it
Bahaha buy a membership for 10 bux
Pardon me while I make better use of my 10 dollar bill and burn it
stantheman   +1y
If you are not going to follow the rules then we dont need ya around anyway bud. Baha has done a great job with the place and has a good set of rules for the for sale section. I wish the other forums I was on was as strict about this as he is sometimes.

And if you think real hard about it the thread is only closed, if someone wanted your truck bad enough all they would have to do is pm you and go from there. Still gives you a chance to sell it. So why dont you take your idle internet threats and shove'em.