I'm new when it comes to lowering and doing suspension. Just wondering if any of you guys can give me some good tips and what i need to buy to drop my b2200 the easiest way possible. Thanks
There is a very helpful thread on static drops in the tech forum under lowering static. I had never done it before and I can say it was simple. 3" blocks took me 45 mins, front took an hour and a half (one of the brackets fell off the torsion bar so I had no idea how many splines I had gone). So after putting it on and taking it off several times doing trial and error I finally got it sitting level.
Just crank down your torsion bars. Do a search and you will find a topics on "flipping lower ball joints" and "idexing torsion bars"
i know we always say "crank down the torsions" but technically if you crank them down (which would be tightening the bolt) that would lift the front... you loosen the bolt, pull the torsion bar and re key it about 2 splines, then tighten the bolt back down close or exactly where it was originally (this can be seen by clean vs. dirty threads on the bolt) and check where you are then sitting... not that any of us really explain much...
ha true enough... still yet, it's just one of those questions that shouldnt even need to be asked, there are soo many posts about it, from this year, and from 5 years ago