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Mazda Projects \  Baggin The Truck! (Sub Boxes and Tail Lights)

Baggin The Truck! (Sub Boxes and Tail Lights)

Mazda Projects
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cid (dale)   +1y
Well, v8mazda4ever, SOUTHERNRAZED,crazymikey and I all rounded up for the project this weekend and got a few things done to her. Got part of the step notch done (wound've gotten more done but we were having to much fun shooting the shit with each other lol) .

More progress pics will follow this week from lance as he has my truck for the week. It was soo freakin hot yesterday I think I had heat stroke or something when I got home that night (thanks for the ride crazymikey ).

Hopefully we can get SOUTHERNRAZED and mikey back up in the next few weekends to lend a hand. Lance will be posting more pics during the week and also next weekend.

Can't thank everyone enough for lending a hand .


Got the bed off last weekend
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Part we need to plate a bit
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Ass end
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Rear end
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Couple side shots
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Post was last edited on Mar 17, 2009 02:03. This post has been edited 13 times.
hex0rz   +1y
Those cab corners are'nt looking so good! Might want to see abotu getting that fixed asap! Just FYI... lol... Hope to see it done! Rig looks pretty good! its weird... I was told not to do bag setup when you have your paintjob done already?
fanninator   +1y
just because sparks from weldin/cuttin/grindin i have my paint done and we were shaving my mirrors the otherday and i have some nice burns ill post pics so you can see what i mean.

cid, nice ass truck! i like the graphics on it unlike 99% of other trucks. -bf
cid (dale)   +1y
Thanks guys, I'm not concerned about the paint all that much because it'll be re painted to match the interior and whatnot.

Tho I need to find a hard cover pretty soon.

pont   +1y
Looking nice but I agree with HeX0rz might wont to fix that rust while its small and can be fixed pretty easy.
v8mazda4ever   +1y
Not worried about that rust on the inside cab corners as the actual corners are mint just behind the flange is a little punky but as the whole back will be getting smooothed out any ways it won't be there when finished.
v8mazda4ever   +1y
So here is some more pics of cid's beast before we cut it up.
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and then the chopping begins.
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There will be more as I will be working on it all week.
Post was last edited on Jun 24, 2007 10:06. This post has been edited 1 times.
mazdawgydawg   +1y
v8mazda4ever   +1y
So I got abit more done today and even got a pic of my friends 63 impala SS that I rent the garage off of.

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Well here is the pic of the 63 impalaSS it has a 454 big block in it.
lowblownranger   +1y
looking good .... at least yours runs mine dont have a motor in it so i have to push it every time i wanna move it keep up the good work and keep takin pics... good luck