Hey guys, me and a couple of my buddies got bored today and found this down at the trail and started out on it. i know its not a first but check this out.
It had no life left when we found it but now its back and better then ever but not done......
When we just got her home
When i started chopping the stands off with my trusty princess auto hack saw
Just sitting to give an idea.....
This is the size compared to my 6 foot tall buddy, its up to his knees....For now
the bottoms out and its starting to get lower but not close to done...
Started welding the frame back together (we narrowed it)but its still not low enough to finish the welding yet,
I will keep you guys updated on progress for now its just going to be an inch off the ground, going to get it some new wheels and spray it flat black let it sit untill i think of something new to do to it.