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Mazda Projects \  Projekt: Time to shine. updated 8,5,09

Projekt: Time to shine. updated 8,5,09

Mazda Projects
views 1789
replies 16
following 8
farfegnugen   +1y
Well. its my time to shine. i haven't had something decent to work with in the past few years and im not going to let this one go undone.. it might take awhile but she will get done.
Picked it up for 50$ and a trade of an R/C.. i am the 3rd owner...
Goals: 17 or 18 escalade even these they seem to be getting played out.. or some sorta chevy wheels.
Satin or flat black with either a flat sliver or flat red bottom.... Drop the bitch as low as she will go with out bags
Photo how it sits right now..
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Post was last edited on Aug 05, 2009 08:08. This post has been edited 1 times.
sosatheshark   +1y
cool ,nice starting project ,cant waite to see this project take shape
ravencreek9   +1y
Can't wait to see it gettin all chopped up! Keep us updated with play by play pics.
oo7bob   +1y
if you get stuck on something, i dont live too far from you. let me know. i got a bunch of tools.
paparoach1983   +1y
And ask us there is a serious knowledge amungst us.
farfegnugen   +1y
She has been dropped....
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I have a werid binding issue..
tunameltman   +1y
we'll get it figured out man, i really don't think its the carrier though, like i said hopefully something simple!!!

If neone else on here has a clue what it might be here's a vid of the sound it makes when moving

here's another one from the undercarriage

He had to drop the carrier to get the rear axle to line back up, and ever since he put it back up it has been making this noise!!! any help would be appreciated
Post was last edited on Aug 05, 2009 09:08. This post has been edited 1 times.
farfegnugen   +1y

Thanks a ton.. Tyler was a huge help over the phone!
tunameltman   +1y
Not a problem man!!! We're gonna get it figured out one way or another, lol