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Mazda Projects \  KiwiBen's Ford Courier super slow project

KiwiBen's Ford Courier super slow project

Mazda Projects
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kiwiben   +1y
Ok so i bought this Ford Courier as a cheap slow and slow daily to stop me racking up Km's on my Version 7 STI,

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However after an afternoon of being a dick i managed to blow a bigend bearing trying to swing O's in it. so i parked it up and planned what to do, I decided to Airbag it, and planned to do a CA18det Conversion, so i picked up a CA18det Long block. then did nothing haha

then my fiance and I found out we were expecting our first child, So i sold the subbie (that sucked) and bought a Daily double cab Hilux, slammed it and am rolling low and slow in that,

so I threw the courier into the shed and Im starting to pull the courier apart:

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I started to pull the front end off:

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Found some rust but nothing major, and half of it is probably where i will tub the firewall:

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the last picture is in the rad support panel and is probably the only one ill have to fix,

then I started to strip the engine down so i can pull it out:

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So at the moment the engine is just sitting there waiting for me to bring the engine crane home from work to pull it out,

like the title says this is going to be a slow project due to the fact my Daughter is due in one week, and my fiance is on Materinty leave untill march,

at the moment im going to be taking my gaurds and doors to work so i can use the mig welder to shave the holes in the gaurds and door handles, as i have to wait for my missus to go back to work before i can start saving the money for a mig of my own, So will i hopefully have some pictures of that next week,
toddluck   +1y
welcome to the scene i want those headlights and grill
nice nice truck
baggd   +1y

X2.....................We have none of that stuff over here.
kiwiben   +1y
if you want the ford courier front end keep your eyes out on (New zealands EBAY) am sure if you get the parts deliverd to me we could organise shipping to you

Anyway got my gaurds started at work this morning:

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Just gotta get some bog, sandpaper and primer so i can get them finished, wouldve brought the engine crane home aswell but couldnt fit it in the tray with all the crap i had in there so that will be an after work job for next week,

am going to start pullin the dash out this weekend so i can get my central locking hooked up to my alarm so i can shave the door handles and locks next,
suicide   +1y
nice progress. thegrill head lights and hood would make a us mazda look sick nasty.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
man out of anybody, i need those headlights the send them to me!

oh and the truck looks like a great start. sucks to hear bout the engine, but now its out of the way to do some engine bay work and tubbing. good luck with the progress and great to hear bout you and your misses expecting. kids are great. mine loves when i take her
Post was last edited on Oct 17, 2009 02:10. This post has been edited 1 times.
nc4life   +1y

I'll have an extra set coming...... So how bad do you want them?
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y

name your price...within reason of course.
nc4life   +1y

I bought the ones off downundertruckin forums. We'll see when they get here and we will take.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
they gettin thrown in your crate of goodies?