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Mazda Projects \  huckleberry


Mazda Projects
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shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
welp i figure i'll do a lil project thread here since, well y'alls rock! like a lil autistic kid!

anyways, gas mileage does suck. i actually left podunk for the first time in months and went to the 2 county seats in my area. it took a good bit of gas. yesterday i picked up some longtube headers and full exhuast. true dual cherry bombs. they'll shoot out infront of the wheels. my old man is cleanin up the headers and paintin 'em for me. its supposed to be warm tomorrow so maybe i'll git a chance to put 'em on.

got a lead on a BUNCH of parts but its gonna be a long process, me bein poor and all. my friend hooked me up with a set of header bolts. just paid him a 12 pack of busch light. he's also gittin me a delay module for the wipers and if i decide to put a cd player in it, he's gonna cut out the old twin knob radio bezel. super-tim knows everything bout these trucks so if i have any issues i just gotta ask him. he's got parts stock piled like a squirrel gittin nuts ready for winter.

also i think it turned over 200,000 miles the other day. its upto 190 miles on the ticker. hahahahaha

burnt a lil rubber the other nite leavin the bar. no one believe the ol' bastid would do it but i showed them! them 5.13 gears really make it run! haha
dogfather   +1y
Where's the pictures?
crazymikey   +1y
Pics or its all lies!
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
ok ok! like tryin to convince helen keller the sun is yella! lol

kinda dwarfs that fugly lil escape.
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...just barely
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my new long tubes!
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old man cleanin 'em up!
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hard to see cuz we just got home but me and jessica had some fun tonite! had that thing bout buried hahahaha.
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shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y
ok got the headers painted. man i wish it was warmer.

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and put in a newer blazer steering wheel i got for free

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also picked up an original chevy bumper with hitchball for $20 and gittin a new reciever for the hitch this weekend for free. went to put the bumper on today and they old tube bumper is welded to the frame. time to do some cuttin! thats it for now. just waitin to slowly find more parts for it. wantin all original GM cuz my friend built his 82 and we found out the aftermarkets dont fit for crap. gotta call bout a bed tomorrow. damn christmas!
lofosho86   +1y
whats up sparky face!where the hell ya been hidin?sweet lookin toy ya got there!!
mazdadropped   +1y
nice build the bed looks a little beat any plans for bagging it ??
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Looks good man. Well fun anyhow. LOL Now it is almost a truck worthy of MS mud.
paparoach1983   +1y
yeah man looks good so far
shilaeli huggr (burdaddy)   +1y

haha ur funny

thanks guys. i'm workin on it slowly. found a good deal on some mean lookin mudders. gotta git some stock steelies from the yard. bed is beat to crap but since im low on cash i'm gonna wait. tailgate is just held on by the arms and latches. no hinges haha. it jingles a bit goin down the road.

oh yeah, got picked up last nite. just passed a smokey and a local, made a lap and my tail lites went out! the local got me. they saw it was me and just shook their heads. sed go home.