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Mazda Projects \  ..........


Mazda Projects
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con$truktive   +1y
ur always welcome here mikey my house has open doors
u wont wana go home tho lol

jus remember i can send u anything u want mate
baha   +1y
That's fine, you seemed to be upset since you didn't get many comments so I was just trying to help. Everybody is busy man. Don't get me wrong your truck is nice but I don't know what you expect. There are a lot of nice rides being built on this site. You act like only a select few can do as nice of a job as you but I guess I just can't see what makes you at such as high of a level to put down a whole site. What is it?

For the Ride of the Year it was a nomination by members mostly. We had some nominate them selves which is allowed. After all how is it different then entering your own truck into a truck show? I wish we would of gotten more votes since about 4-500 people log in every month but oh well maybe next year.

Either way opinions are opinions.
con$truktive   +1y
hell yea theres some mad trucks on here
look at flaminS10 thats one of my favs & has inspired me alot with my truck
chuck is king dawg in my eyes for jus thinkn outside the box jus to have something nobody else has in the states
look at hunters truck is coming along killer & his building it himself as most are but
then u see wankers wanting to do polls for what type of engine should i ran
seriously baha u cant tell me u know who is doin what & who is buildn their trucks for themselves for themselves
mikey for doin the courier front, i hate those fronts but mikey has charged my opinion of that front now & damn it looks good
jus to name a few for now

i hear what u are sayn about its like entering a truckshow
but its not a truckshow its a forum

so any award thats a yearly prize should have some stature to it seriously
to be in those "NOMINATED" few how much more of a kick would the owner/builder get by being totally nominated by others then open voting is cool so anybody can vote but jus imagine being nominated for such an award of that alone,
is more satisfing then entering & even to someits more than winning its a buzz when
u become a nominated car as it tells u everybody loves ur truck jus as much as u love ur truck
baha   +1y
Yeah I love flamins10s truck, I can't wait to see it finished.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y

Thanks man. Is be happy with some courier emblems for my fenders, and of course some headlights lol
hunterw   +1y

lol id be wearing the same clothes the way home...suitcase full of parts hahahaha. lol sir why does your suitcase weigh 150lbs? lol.

and thx for the kind words jason
v8mazda4ever   +1y
Wow construktive I do crappy work and because I asked what motor should I use I am a wanker hmmm. I wrote what i wrote because you have dissed this site twice and think you are some kinda king shit please I have never dissed your ride and honestly have still left comments and asked a question or 2 about your ride you want to diss me be free to do so but show me where my work is crap. Yes chuck won and he definitly deserved it but then you think I am a wanker atleast I can come out and tell you you are an ass for writing what you wrote earlier and not laugh about it. Maybe Baha is right maybe i got the wrong impression about you but you sure aint making it easy. We have fun on this site and dont take much to seriously especial the games and contests on here its all in fun but you go and make comments like its the end of the world if chuck did not win and diss everyone elses rides for it and if I had won you would have left the site very mature of you. I think you and I need to talk because some how you think dissing some ones ride and trying to hide behind hidden comments is cool make them direct and tell all who you are talking about. I might have be wrong in writing what i wrote but I have been here for awhile too and some times dont think before I write but this time please you actually think what you wrote is cool. Like I wrote you disrespected this site twice and I have not dissed your ride once and now your bashing me and my truck I build for myself and like to have feed back in what I am doing.
iculookn42   +1y
thread post photo

lol just my .2
v8mazda4ever   +1y
I dont hate construktive at all i just dont like what he has written and disrespecting the site and for being such a child dissing my work and me.
iculookn42   +1y
very well put. I just thought the sign was funny.