Just some insight,if you find the caliper will not come apart buy a whole caliper.In short my holding brkt was literally rusted internally and would not come apart on the top out of the holding brkt.Not that this is your issue but,just pointing this out.And be sure when checking for said item you notice the description on parts caliper OR caliperW/holding bracket.Most like auto zone,advance list just the caliper as the first couple of choices but,scroll down you will see in the notes with or without the holding brkt for the brake pads.I bought new remans from napa 45.00 with my cores each.Thing was trk sat mostly and never bothered to lube the slide pins with caliper grease and they over time seized onto the inside.I chk them every six months since this.Did new brakes in 10.Sorry for the book just letting you know in case your calipers want come apart as they should.