i found out from my buddy there non interference motors, so i was happy to hear that.. i was right with my timing, my bro thought i was 180 off (and i obviously rotated it, while it was bolted down and it ran like crap and i assumed maybe i bent a valve, but it was the firing order) so we tried that, and at first i took the head off because after i got the newer motor in, the fuel pump was shot then i used my old one, and it leaked oil out of the side of the head, so i took off the head cleaned the bottom of the head and block/pistons etc and just slapped it back together with a new head gasket.. i messed up the firing order and thats why it took me like 6 hrs to figure it all out.. and after all, its smoking.. so im debating to buy an ebay rebuilt motor now or find one used for cheap locally that i can hear run myself.