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Mazda 2.2L \  oil leak tried to fix it by putting a new front crankshaft seal

oil leak tried to fix it by putting a new front crankshaft seal

Mazda 2.2L Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 8296
replies 6
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5mazda3b2200   +1y
Have a 1990 Mazda b2200 has a oil leak thought I was the front crank shaft seal so I put a new one on and I also put new gaskets for oil pan,timing cover dust seal,valve cover seal and new valve stem seals I was very carefully put on the sealent for the oil pump after I put it back together it was still leaking so I'm assuming its my rear main crankshaft seal that's blown out go figure had it running for a minuet and the head started to tick loud so I took the valve cover of and noticed thy the rear of the head is onl reciving oil ands the front isn't what shld I do
Cusser   +1y
Did you also replace the front camshaft seal while in there, it's the same seal used there. Have you replaced the distributor oil seal/O-ring?

Also check the base of the mechanical fuel pump, rear, passenger side. But I think you have to determine whether the oil leak is from front or rear of the engine, not always so easy as wind blows the oil rearwards.
5mazda3b2200   +1y
Ya replaced those too but when I have the truck parked and idling I can see it coming from between the engine and granny so I elder assume it elder be my rear main seal I cld b wrong tho
87forever   +1y
Ok when running you can see oil leaking? If that is the case it can only be 1 cam cap on rear of engine,2 fuel pump gasket with some sealant is leaking,or 3 oil coming thru valve cover rubber and not tight enough.You would not see oil leaking from the rear main unless dripping thru the transmission from the bottom where the eng/trans bolt together in my thoughts.Check your cam cap rear at firewall for residue and run your finger under the fuel pump for the same check.
5mazda3b2200   +1y
How wld I knw if my rear main oil seal is blown because my Mazda leaks a lot of oil I half to put in about a quart or two a day? Its the second motor in the truck it has less than 100,000 miles
87forever   +1y
If the rear main seal IS leaking get under the truck and see if the bottom of rear of the engine is coated in oil where it bolts to the transmission.Also on the trans there is a dust boot that can be removed so you can take a peek inside the trans area using a light you can see more and run your finger inside the area for excessive oil residue.Unless something silly like your oil pressure sensor on the rhs of the block of oil filter is blowing oil out very obvious.Using that much oil points to a variety of things.I would degrease the engine bay with foamy engine cleaner or gunks heavy duty cleaner and go to a car wash to use the high pressure to get it stupid clean to isolate the leak better.
5mazda3b2200   +1y
Alrite. Ill let you knw how things go ill post when I do it thxs for the help
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