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Mazda 2.2L \  Random "missing" on b2200 with Weber

Random "missing" on b2200 with Weber

Mazda 2.2L Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1100
replies 4
following 4
benjimanactivate   +1y
Hello! I just recently bought this 87 cab plus off c.l. and it was running great. Had to fix the o-ring on my distributor and when my dad and I got the distributor back on he advanced it all the way. needless to say it idled higher but ran just fine. fast forward a few days and I'm on my way home in 95 degree weather and right before I get home it starts missing and acting like it's starving for gas when I put it under load accelerating. I get home, let it cool off for a few hours, retard the timing and the idle comes back down to normal. Afterwards I take it for a spin and it seems fine, only one small "miss" but the rest of the drive was miss free. Do you guys think that could be heat related? Could it be the timing was just too far advanced?

here are the vitals:

weber carb
new fuel filter
rebuilt motor by P.O.
pace setter header
free flow exhaust
mazdafvr   +1y
you can try turning your mixture screws at the bottom of the carb clockwise about 1/8 of a turn. mine does that at low rpms when its running lean. clockwise will richen it up some. they say if u turn the screws in all the way clockwise, then back them out, u should back them out between 1 and 2 turns. mine likes to be closer to one turn.
Cusser   +1y

Clockwise will "close" the fuel delivery on the idle mixture screw, so will lean out the mixture, correct?

First: I'd set the timing with a timing light, as distributor position is the most recent thing monkeyed with. You don't have to tall your dad, just thank him for his help.
fdugn545   +1y
I know this seems obsurd but check to make sure your choke is correctly adjusted. I had a slight miss at idle (sometimes higher rpms) and I tried to adjust all mixture screws and pretty much every other method(timing, vacuum leaks, fuel/spark issues, Ect..) and after all that I just turned my choke back a little and it's been great ever since.
Don't know if this will help but it's easy and worth a shot...

Sent from Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2
benjimanactivate   +1y
Thanks everyone. I will hit these up.
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