Well, i got the dieseling figured out, had to adjust the weber carb, fixed it right away, thanks for that info and well i'm back again. This time i'm over heating, yesterday i noticed it running a little warm and figured was just needing a thermostat, no problem... well after driving for an hour ( highway ) i ended up pulling over to find the overflow reovoir had a pull out top wit a split connector running into the overflow,( A split 't' with a hard plastic hose from the cap into the overflow and splitting at the top) now whoever owned it before me had just an open hose running form one side of the overflow, ( opposite end that's ran into the radiator) it was just a 90 degree piece tubing, had steam and coolant gushing out of there, so i picked up some coolant and a line stop and capped this off. it's still overheating, but i'm moving to the thermostat then the water pump. but i would like some more info on the overflow resovoir and if the line i capped off may run somewhere else or if i did the right thing will take pics and post them sometime this evening.
Thank you guys for all the help so far, very glad i joined this group lots helpfull advice tips/hints in only few days i been on here asking!