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Mazda 2.2L \  Megasquirt questions and E85 COPS?

Megasquirt questions and E85 COPS?

Mazda 2.2L Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 2139
replies 12
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b52fighter   +1y
Anyone using mega-squirt? Ive got a few questions..
Where did you locate and install"
1. Crank sensor
2. Cam sensor
3. Tps
4. IAT sensor
5. Coolant temp sensor

Also...did you keep the distributor? How plausible or reliable would it be to go distro. Less? Like going to a wasted spark ignition like COPS (Coil on plug)

Plans are a brewing and my B is BBBBOOSTED! i know so far if i want e85 ill need 1000cc injectors and aboit a 340gph pump. Already got a few in my watchist on ebay im thinking about. Also plan on using ms3 or possibly ms2 and the goal is around 400hp with about 20psi of boost. Reason i mention cops is i wouldnt know how to change the distributor so that it would retard under boost instead of advance...also how woukd one adjust timing with a coil on plug type of ignition? Not exactly sure on how that would work either. Any kind of info would be helpful.
emjay   +1y
ok on my megasquirt setup I used a TPS from another vehicle and made it fit. My application is a Mercedes 190E and I used a BMW 525i TPS. Wiring was easy with the wiring diagram, one is a reference, one is input and one is output. The IAT I used a GM 2 wire sensor, the Megasquirt is prewired for it. I used the factory coolant sensor and I calibrated it using the bootloader and easytherm (not required for MS2.) I didn't do ignition control (yet) so I didn't do a cam or a crank sensor. Megasquirt only uses a crank sensor though.

What Dealwithit did on his 12v turbo MS2 build was to get a trigger wheel machined to his crank and he made a mount for the sensor. With a trigger wheel you don't need a distributor, but with an EFI setup the MS1 can control the distributor, just remove the vacuum advance to lock it into place.

With a CoP setup you would program the MS (recommend 2) for controlling the ignition. There is a boost section in megatune so you would be able to set whatever parameter you needed.

Read the megamanual, and read build similar to yours. Maybe a 22R build boosted would be more common, or a Civic or something. Different displacement, same concept.
b52fighter   +1y
I havent actually ordered any version of megasquirt yet, thinking i want to go with 3 with the expansion pack.. was told by a guy that lives a few miles from here that a cam sensor was part of ms's min. Requirement sensors. But was also told that the crank sensor could also be used as a cam sensor as well. Except that it wouldnt be as accurate. Just a crude way to go about it. As far as cops that clears up a lot. I wasnt sure about how that all worked. Ill do some research later on. Gonna get everything gathered up while its cold and convert it once it gets warm. Gotta love NoDak
befarrer   +1y
Why not use an EFI B2200 distributor? They have no vacuum advance, its all done electronically.
b52fighter   +1y
Simple, i dont have one haha. Plus there expensive and i could probably convert to cops for the same price. If not less
dan woodland   +1y
I'd research E85 before you plan to run it, there are some things to consider - seals, cost, MPG (not very good compared to fossil fuel).
tucknrimmaz   +1y
Swap in a motor worth mega squirting.
mazdizzle   +1y
I'm running megasquirt 2v3 on my turbo fe3. I assume you are going to run it on the stock 2.2 mazda motor? For ignition if you want to ditch the distributor you could use the ford edis. I'm using this on mine and it works great. You can get the parts from the junkyard pretty cheap too. You don't need a cam sensor for megasquirt just the crank trigger. I have a 36-1 wheel on my front crank pulley for my crank trigger. For the throttle body I have a 65mm from a ford mustang so it has the tps on it. Since you are going to turbo it you will need a different intake anyways so it would be easy to mount up. Plus the mazda throttle cable fits on it. Also 92ish mx6 gt throttle cable is the same style just longer
b52fighter   +1y
Ok, sweet. I'll have to look it up. As far as e85 goes I'll take my chances. As I plan a performance build for another engine that I have and when I do that I'll take that into more consideration. Ford edis sounds good and what year mustang did you get that for? As far as the crank trigger how did you mount it? And what application did you get it for? What kind of a sensor/bracket combo did you do? If you could post a picture or 2 that'd be real helpful
mazdizzle   +1y
The edis came from a early 90's ford escort. I'll post pics of the crank trigger tonight the trigger wheel on the crank was custom made