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Mazda 2.2L \  Does this sound like the water pump

Does this sound like the water pump

Mazda 2.2L Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 968
replies 9
following 4
tobot   +1y
So after I've put my engine back together I drove it to work today. There were no leaks at idle. When I got to work I noticed a little leak. It looked like it was coming from the crankshaft pulley. I could not trace it to any hose. My truck was also starting to get pretty hot when I was waiting in traffic. Once I hit the highway it was getting back to normal temperature. Does this sound like the water pump to you guys? I will open up the timing belt cover later tonight.
dan woodland   +1y
When you rebuilt the engine you didn't replace the water pump? What about the oil pump?

Sounds like your Fan Clutch or water pump is bad.
tobot   +1y
it was a budget/ time crunch rebuild. At least if it's the water pump it doesn't seem like too much extra work.
dan woodland   +1y
Gotchya. You are right the water pump isn't too tough o replace but with these trucks it is prudent to replace the oil and water pump when doing a rebuild - it saves you the hassle of doing "another" repair and you'd be set for another 100K miles. Especially since the oil pump requires the front member, oil pan and windage tray to be removed etc.

Be sure to clean the mating surface well and use a sealer.
tobot   +1y
Are the water pumps fairly easy to rebuild with general tools or is it best to buy a new one. I can get a new one for $71 CDN.
dan woodland   +1y
That seems a touch high but I buy 99% of my parts on-line. I'm not sure what on-line options you have north of the border.

I'd buy new.

tobot   +1y
I can order a water pump from the US and pick it up at the border for a little less.

Here are my symptoms. I believe it is the water pump, but won't really have a chance to check for sure for a couple of days.

At idle there is no leak.
Give the truck some gas and it starts to leak fairly steady.

I haven't had the chance to remove the bottom timing belt cover, but I have removed the top. I cannot see any coolant looking down from above with the top timing belt cover removed.

The coolant is dripping from the very front middle of the oil pan. Using a flash light I can just barely see a little pool happening I believe on the front lip of the oil pan directly under the crankshaft.

If it were the fan clutch I would be able to see the leak because the fan is exposed right?

Oh yeah, and another weird thing. I've been driving very hard on and off due to breaking in the pistons. I've driven my truck twice now since I got it running. Both times I've driven it, the first time I giver throttle wide open the temp gauge rises almost to the top. I panic a minute, but by the time I pull over the temp gauge is already going down. Without even shutting off the truck the rest of my 25 km commute I am able to break my pistons in the rest of the way at normal operating temperature. Maybe this is because the thermostat hadn't had the chance to open all the way yet? The truck is at operating temperature when I start my commute.
Cusser   +1y

Sounds like the water pump. I recommend new, mine came from CarQuest, and with 204K miles, it's the 3rd one my B2200 has had. Factory one lasted 120K, NAPA one lasted 60K, 40K on this one so far.

The fan clutch has no coolant flow. Most likely if you see nothing above the top timing cover, but it's visible below the lower timing cover, then it's the water pump.
tobot   +1y
I was able to pry the lower timing belt cover a bit today. I found two holes on the drivers side. It looks like my coolant is coming out the lower hole. Do these look like the water pump weeping holes?

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87forever   +1y
I would say the wp based on the pic.However you have coolant hardline tube that feeds into the back of the waterpump area which has a (oring) rubber and can leak as well.In short the hardline pipe feeds to the heater core and if the pipe corrode's enough it can leak down the front side around the wp.If your wp has never been replaced I would replace it and suggest using permatex's The right stuff gasket sealer as this set's up quick and cure's fast!This product is not cheap and come's in a cheese wiz style can for about 13.00 for the small unit sold auto zone,advance etc.This product seals just about any fluid type and I have yet to find a fault in this based on my use!If I am not mistaken the waterpump kit comes with a NEW oring for that hardline pipe in the kit from at least auto zone as I bought my wp from them.I have seen pics where the hardline pipe has corroded so bad the pipe had to be replaced from leaking coolant and while the oring was toast the pipe itself was done due to corrosion.Too much info cannot hurt.1 last thing use some atf or white lithium grease or even wheel bearing grease on the oring for the hardline pipe prior to install.
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