Here is a list of vehicles that used the 2.6l engine.
If you want to find parts, you may have to search for them using several applications.
1978-1980 Plymouth Fire Arrow
1978-1983 Dodge Challenger/Mitsubishi Sapporo/Plymouth Sapporo
1978-1987 Mitsubishi Sigma
1979-1989 Dodge Ram 50
1981-1985 Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant
1982-1985 Chrysler LeBaron
1982-1985 Chrysler Town and Country
1982-1991 Mitsubishi Pajero
1982-1983 Dodge 400
1983-1984 Chrysler E-Class
1983-1985 Chrysler New Yorker/Dodge 600
1984-1987 Dodge Caravan/Plymouth Voyager
1982-1990 Mitsubishi Starion (turbocharger and fuel injection)
1984-1986 Dodge Conquest/Plymouth Conquest
1985 Plymouth Caravelle
1985-1996 Mitsubishi Magna (early carbureted, later EFI)
1986-1988 Mazda B2600
1987-1989 Chrysler Conquest
1987-1989 Dodge Raider