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Northwest \  MazdaFest 2009 FAQ

MazdaFest 2009 FAQ

Northwest Events
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devb22   +1y
thread post photo

Who: Northwest Mini-Truck Scene

What: MazdaFest 2009

When: Saturday, July 25th through Sunday, July 26th 2009

Where: Rooster Rock State Park Troutdale, Oregon

Why: To support the dying NW show scene, along with the hobby we call "Mini Trucking"

Time: Saturday July 25th, Roll In 8a.m.-12p.m. Judging 1p.m.-2p.m.
Sunday July 26th, Trophies 12p.m. Roll Out 1p.m.

Camping: There is limited camping available at the show location, but there are hotels and other camping grounds within 15-30 minutes drive

Cost: Pre-Reg $10, Day of show $15
*We will announce when pre-reg will be available, we are currently getting it setup

On site dragging: No, there will not be any on site dragging whatsoever! We are trying to organize a cruise in the evening to Multnomah Falls, where you can drag all you want!

No, there will not be any alcohol on the show grounds at any point in time! This is a family oriented show, help us keep it this way!

Trophies: Yes, there are 17 trophy classes that will be awarded

Trophy Classes: 17 Classes

Top Mazda

Best Interior
Best Paint
Best Engine
Best Frame
Best Audio/Video

Under Construction

Vendors: Current vendors include; The Bag Shack, MazdaBScene, YourSceneMag, and Chris with his BBQ Mazda

*We will keep updating this thread as more answers become available!

Thank you!

DevB22 (Devon) & CL (Chris)
Post was last edited on Dec 20, 2008 02:12. This post has been edited 2 times.
cl (chris)   +1y
Some additional info:
The park is on I-84, 22 mi. E of Portland Oregon (exit 25)
Hotels: There are 8 hotels within 15 minutes of the park in Troutdale Or
Airport: The Portland airport is less than 30 minutes away
baha   +1y
Do you guys have an address to the park?
cl (chris)   +1y
I-84 Exit 25 Corbett Or 97019 I cant find a address besides a PO box but if you Mapquest or google Rooster rock it shows up just fine
devb22   +1y
toddluck   +1y
the flyer looks cool
toddluck   +1y
paparoach1983   +1y
Yeah that is a sweet flyer. Cant wit to see it with all the info i might just print a poster size one and hang it up. just keep us posted with info
toddluck   +1y
and the prices are awsome..need to update that with the 3 dollar a day usage fee
paparoach1983   +1y
What you mean by usage fee. so they will be $16 then?