i told you i took a picture of it todd... i just uploaded and linked everything i took pix of... next time i will have to come prepared with a couple spare batteries so i can take more pictures and actually get pix of us all hanging out... the people who were there, and even the ones who camped out over night were all cool as hell. you guys really are friendly, entertaining (even if you are ghey cause you like to yell thru a megaphone all day, night, and next morning at 7am), and outright good people. as we all have said b4 we are like family here and you guys all made me feel welcome, even tho i drove the jetta since the mazda was down.
btw, thanks dev for picking on me and my jetta and leaving the other mkIII, and the mkIV alone... i felt the love...
into the megaphone "who's black jetta is this...?" the unamplified yell "its mine" Megaphone reply "well move it"