When you say my upper plate needs to be moved closer to centre... Centre of what? Centered in line of the old shock tower or centre of the truck- like left to right(drivers and pass side)
In the tech write up I have read it over and over, the problem I have of it is they are showing pictures of a bunch of different trucks. They are not of the same truck throughout the whole process. Some trucks are shown with the upper plate angled up and some show the plate on a horizontal plane in line with the top of the frame.
My plate is slightly angled up( not very much) but I still can compress my bags a bit more than what they are in my pics. If you angle the plates upwards too much, does that not cause the bag to be angled while in driving height. The bag is designed to be straight-horizontally while driving so when it moves while reacting to bumps in the road it will essentially compress and extend in line. The top and bottom of the bag should always moving equally on the left and right sides of the bags.
I don't know if I'm making sense but it's like one side of the bag will bulge out if it's not compressed evenly...
You guys with your top plates at at steep angle, what do your bags look like at ride height?