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Mazda Engine Performance \  Mazda B2600i Exhaust

Mazda B2600i Exhaust

Mazda Engine Performance Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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deahlsc   +1y
Well, first off this is my first post on a forum ever so sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section or anything....

So, I have a Mazda b2600i and finding any information at all on these trucks seems to be a real pain. I've google searched over and over trying to find the stock exhaust size for the mazda b2600i. Yeah, I can just go out and look but I can't tell for sure what size it is. Looks like 1.5-2.0" to me?

Also, I'm wondering where the o2 sensors are located on my truck. This was a Cali built truck and was migrated over to West Virginia where it got traded in at where my dad works. I'm not familiar with these trucks at all (I have a Ford F150). I'm not looking at removing the cats or anything but are there o2 sensors after the cat? It looks like there are 2 mufflers after the single catalytic converter. Not sure what the second one is for?

By the way, does anyone have any suggestions on a muffler? I know it won't be as loud as my F150, cause if it is it probably won't sound good at all. Just looking for a nice deep tone to turn people's heads a little. Right now all I have is an exhaust leak and a heat shield rattle....

Thanks in advance for any replies that may come my way!

P.S. Will post pics up tomorrow! Also I have a 5-speed manual, and the truck is 2WD extended cab. Not sure if that makes any difference? Sure exhaust routing is probably different or something.

91extcab   +1y
I did my own exhaust, 2 1/4in from the down pipe into a 2 1/4 magnaflow muffler. It sounds pretty good. There is only one o2 sensor, and its on the down pipe before the cat. If you want headers you will need to build your own or order a set from australia...
deahlsc   +1y
So the whole exhaust is 2 1/4"? Looks smaller than that...hmm... Well, thank you very much! I was thinking about just going the cheap route and throwing a muffler on right after the cat and run it out the passenger side before the rear tire. Are there any problems with this? Should I just cut out the 2 mufflers, replace with pipe, and aftermarket muffler and keep that? Do you have a link to the muffler that you used? Not sure what sounds good on a 4 cylinder. First one I've had... thanks again!

91extcab   +1y
Factory piping is smaller than 2 1/4, but the up in size helps with a little more power, I just picked up a generic 2 1/4 magnaflow off the shelf at autozone. And I personally got rid of my cat, and the factory muffler, and ran straight pipe into the magnaflow with the magnaflow dumping out before my rear axle. Not much on my truck is stock anymore...
deahlsc   +1y
Thanks, do you happen to know what size the stock pipe is though? I need to buy a connector to connect stock pipe to the 2 1/4" muffler. I'm going to keep the cat, I don't want it being too loud and I don't know about these things but my ford stinks a good bit without the cats on it. I'm also going to just dump it out before the rear axle. Should I weld a hanger after the muffler or just leave it? I'm going to see about my mechanic just throwing this together this week. There is a grinding noise coming from up front when I take off and have the wheel at a slight turn... needs front brakes also.

*EDIT* Left for work this morning, and found out it has something to do with the clutch. I park on a hill and I let the clutch out enough to hold the truck in place so it doesn't roll down the hill when I take off. Let out on the clutch and the grinding noise made itself present. Any ideas? Sorry to be adding to this, didn't see much need in starting a new thread while I have one going. It's not a huge deal anyway to me right now.

91extcab   +1y
That sounds like it could be the throw out bearing on the clutch fork. If you cut the pipe off behind the cast you can always use a tape measure and check the diameter of the pipe... I think its like 1 7/8". If your are gonna get something welded to the pipe hangers would be a good addition. Also, with out my cat and having the magna flow its not really that loud but the tone is perfect at 3k on the tach.
deahlsc   +1y
Alright, well it's at the shop getting a once over right now. He's going to give me a list of parts that it needs and get back to me tomorrow (means no car for work ...). I'm going to go out and buy a muffler tomorrow, and a turn down tip. He does exhaust work on the side and has enough extra pipe laying around and connectors, he said he'll find something and make it work. Figured I might as well have him do exhaust while he's tearing it apart anyway. Will let you know what he finds. He said something about the throw out bearing, if it is that we'll have the clutch and other parts replaced along with it.

Thanks for all the help so far! Much obliged. Nice truck, btw! I also have a '91 Toyota Pickup V6, single cab, manual. This things a LOT roomier, and boy it'll surprise people with how quick they are. Always heard the B2200s were turds. Doesn't seem that way with these, lol...

91extcab   +1y
Naw the 2.6 had some get up and get the hell out of the way in it, I'm actually having withdrawals from mine right now. Just threw new brushes in the alternator cause the old ones were non existent, now that's fixed I find out my battery no longer holds a charge... Currently driving my girls 2.0 turd, no headers, no weber, no power... Lol
deahlsc   +1y
Haha. The old man who had this truck before me in Cali (No rust, yay!) put in a cheap Kirkland battery (Costco) and it literally blew up under the thing. Had to scrub it out and put in a new battery. Well, the terminals, even though the new battery is the right size for the truck, are too big. So they keep popping off while I'm driving. Happened six times on me today. That was the end of that, 'tis why it's at the shop now! I'm not getting the horn honked at a green light ever again cause the truck shut off. If I wanted that I'd drive my Ford!
jenko   +1y
Sounds like buying a set of vernier calipers is in order.
They're very handy and you look like you know what you're doing when you pull them out
Having the bloke at the shop do the exhaust while it's there is a great idea, practiced exhaust guys are SO quick it's well worth it
Welcome to the fold Deahl