The radiators designated for the automatics are 2-row instead of 1-row. Physically they are the same size: look at the rear of your existing 1-row radiator on its rear, center, bottom, there's like empty space (I bet Earl has a photo). The 2-row has that space filled in with more cooling fins/slats. These mount into the same mounting holes on the truck, no issues.
I first had a brass/copper 2-row which was 100% compatible, lifetime warranty. When a weld leaked on that, the warranty replacement was an all-aluminum radiator, which required me to drill new mounting holes in its brackets for the fan shroud mounting. One just ignores the inlet/outlets at the bottom of the 2-row, which was designed for ATF fluid cooling.
The 2-row radiators sell for maybe $10 more. But your question was about which upgraded radiators most of us use. I believe Dan in Ohio, Greg, Axel, and others are using the 2-row.
Fan shroud overlaid on the Murray 2-row aluminum radiator purchased through O'Reillys. Red arrows show Murray shroud mounting holes. Blue arrows show where I drilled my own 1/4 inch holes, so I can use 6.0mm x 1.0mm bolts/nuts.