today while driving around, i seen this weird ass vehicle pull up beside me while im in truck. the front end kinda looked like a Honda CRV and i dismissed it as one until it passed me. it was no damn CRV. it had a pickup bed like a Subaru Brat and i figured ok, it was a Subie. wrong again. i sped up to it and seen the Chevy bowtie emblem and i literally said "wtf is that?" looked to the left and it said it was a Tornado. heres what it looked like:
i had never seen one of these before and i went to look at Chevrolet's site and it wasnt listed on their page. figured it was some new truck they are coming out with since there is a GM truck plant in town. i googled it up and came across this: [url=://search%3Fq%3Dchevrolet%2Btornado%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%3DGWYA,,:g752yigs]Chevrolet Tornado. apparently its some truck used in spanish speaking countries and i guess they are going to try and sell em here. the thing was ugly as sin IMO and i dont think it will sell well but who knows. what are you alls thoughts on it?