they have tons! i know that on my old TBI caprices if i got rid of something (ie charcoal canister) i'd put a nipple over it to seal i up. do the mazdas REALLY need all these lines or are they're some you can block with no side effects?
Follow diagrams closely. Take them off 1 at a time. I ran my 2nd maz without them, it took 3 solid days to get it to run right. Some needed, some not, some need to be routed where others were, it takes time. But it can be done. Mine was.
hell no you only need one from carb vaccume advance on dist and one for egr the rest can go just cap em off on stock carb get rid of all the plugs and sensors too ive been driving mine that way for 7 years
i had my carb rebuilt at a shop that rebuilds carbs and they took the vaccume lines off and mine was running like crap so i am going to go buy some new line and start over