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Mazda Engine General \  Timing help

Timing help

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 540
replies 3
following 3
down2earth   +1y
86 toyota pickup. 4banger fuel injected. my question is i know some how u have u disconnect the computer to adjust the distributer so the computer dont tryt to adjust to. how would u disconnect that part to get an accurate timing any help would be great.....LaTa
dropped90(justin)   +1y
best bet would be to go get a haynes manual on the truck or possibly talkin to a tech at your local dealership.

down2earth   +1y
haynes manual says u have to put a juper wire on the j connector dont say where that connector is tried all conectors that would have anything to do with it and it wont run if it aint hooked up. so i dunno....LaTa
midnightcamaro   +1y
if i remeber correctly that connector is under the hood on the........shit i cant remember if its right or left. what were you saying when you wrote it wont run if what aint hooked up? its been awhile since i messed with toyotas sorry i couldnt help more. if im thinkin right the plug you want is just a plug that isnt plugged into anything. itll have a cap over the end of it of it may not have one at all anymore. if its got a lil rubber cover on it i think it says diagnostics.
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