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Mazda Engine General \  looking for dual webber info

looking for dual webber info

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1045
replies 9
following 4
1smoothdawg   +1y
Is there any place or perhaps, someone here that has info on a conversion to a dual sidedraft Webber carb setup on a B-series. I'm not really looking for big performance gains but, I really like the look of the dual Webber setup but can't really find any info on the conversion to a Mazda
hocbj23   +1y
I think NYTRDR24 is fabbing a manifold to mount two Weber 45 sidedrafts on his Dawg so he prolly is the expert on here.If u can find an old MGB r Volvo,u can get some idea of how the setup and linkage works.If u r going to run sidedrafts,u will need to do some performance upgrades cause I dont think a stock Maz motor can handle all the fuel and air that Webers would be cramming in there.Lol.BJ
1smoothdawg   +1y
Yup, I was planning on doing a mild cam and header and a good valve job. I was really wanting to know what size(s) to get for mildly modded motors. As far as performance, like I mentioned above, is not really a big deal to me. Just the look.
hocbj23   +1y
I think the 45 DCOEs are about it currently.PM NYTRDR and get some input from him.BJ
hex0rz   +1y
It is all dependant on the displacement of the engine. Not enough displacement, not a big carb...
nytrdr24   +1y
Been a minute since I was on here last, a-lotta stuff going on right now...

I too like the idea of the look & performance with an individual runner setup, but the mazda head design is a pain in the arse as far as designing a manifold, not to mention there isn't much the performance minded person can do in terms of helping out the mazda far as designing a manifold, the coolant passages on the head are a pain, no vaccum reference on the weber dcoe carbs to work with the advance on the distributor so you either have to come up with something in the manifold design, or tinker with the distributor, not to mention a vaccum reference for the brake booster, argh!! Now that you know my pain, I'll tell you what I do know otherwise...

There isn't an off the shelf manifold available, well, let me take that back, there is a company in south africa (rowland manifolds they make what would be the way to go in my mind, that is if you want to go with a fuel injection setup (which with a ford edis would do away with the dizzy vaccum reference prob), which is more tuneable than the weber carbs, but I'm to far gone down the path I'm on with the webers on this build cost wise to swap over to fuel injection at this point.

Cannon used to make mani's (ones that you see on most yota 22r engines) but, they aren't available anymore, & haven't been for some time (if you find one, latch onto that rare piece of gold!)....which lead me to just design my own, it is still on paper (cad) at the moment, but I should have one turned out in the near future (fingers crossed) as soon as I work out some of the issues I mentioned earlier.

As far as your other question about what size carb to run, the 40 dcoe's should be plenty big enough (with what you said) unless you going
ballz-to-the wallz with your engine build, I got 45's, and I will prolly have to de-tune them some even with what I am doing to my motor...

Hope that helps ya out some
hocbj23   +1y
hey man glad to see u back onhere.How is married life treating u?Sorry I couldnt make it--death in the family.Good luck to u and ur lovely bride and i got a litle something for u next time we hook up.BJ
nytrdr24   +1y
Had a minute & figured I'd check in at my other "home" if ya know what I mean BJ....Married life is good, not much difference seein as we've been together for 4 years, just got the "officialness" out of the way so to speak..
Sorry to hear of the loss, it was a nice wedding, you could have had some of my "roll tide" groom's cake & a cold beer, haha! I've got a bunch of time on my hands at the moment, but she's keeping me busy putting tile in the bathrooms, and hardwood in the living/dining rooms, not to mention trying to work on the truck too, I'd like to get the darn'd thing running!!! Just give me a shout & we'll get together & have a cold beer!!
1smoothdawg   +1y
Thanks for the links and other info!
Be sure and keep us posted on the parts you are working on. This dual Webber sidedrafts setup is something I have been wanting to put on a mini for quites ome time.
1smoothdawg   +1y
Paeco will make you a dual side draft manifold for a mere $1200.00 (at the very least)

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