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Mazda Engine General \  failed emissions.. suggestions?

failed emissions.. suggestions?

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 10
following 7
droppedb-2000   +1y
this sucks, at first my truck was to low for 2 places, then i remembered to put air in the rear air shocks to raise it, then i go again to another place, they void it for the speedo not workin, so i take a day off from work today to get it done, doesnt take long, did it, and went back to the last place, i fail do to high HC

limit 160
emissions 215

i know my vacum advance unit is not working and its capped off, how much that will help me, and i cant get another dam piece ti'll tomorrow, debating to go buy a used distributor, or a new whole unit if i can find one.. i'm gona check my plugs quick and cap/rotor..

i did a full tune up to this thing, cap/rotor/plugs/wires/fuel filter + new high flow cat.. and fyi its got a weber carb on it.. any other suggestions? i figure if i can get the distributor to work, and buy this garenteed to pass emissions crap in a bottle i may pass? and i dont have a compression tester to test that.

i know my truck drinks oil, gota get a rebuild someday..
mazda86   +1y
i just had the same problem with my truck...lean out your mixture at the carb and unplug the vacume advance when u go to get it tested. It really makes a big difference. Then go to the store and buy like 4 bottles of rubbing alchohol (isopropyl) THink thats how its spelled and pour them into the gas will make your truck run a little ruff but the stuff burns a lot hotter than gas so it burns up all the leftover gas in the exhaust and in the chamber...then make sure your truck is nice and warm and you should be good.
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
The alchol thing just scares me!!! I guess it is a good way to clean it as well... no water in the tank.
toddzda   +1y
I failed like 3 times b4 i passed.. i did everything i could think of. what i did was lean out the carb as much as u can then pull the vaccum hose off the nipple on the inner side of the intake (closer to the head between number 2 n 3 intake. bring the idle down some. after that keep the truck as hot as u can cuz if ur upper cat is not hot enough it will fail it. that how i passed.
droppedb-2000   +1y
ok i bought new plugs, cleaned the rotor and cap, added 2 cans of drygas, and added a half tank of 93 octane, got better but i still failed,

i'm like 40 points away now. i bought that garenteed to pass stuff, they said i gota run my tank dry now, so i'm doing that. i talked to a garage that told me the a/f screw is more just for idle, and after 30 mph (the emissions test) that the jets flow what they flow (and if its to much then you gota change the jets) i'm debating to try to lean out the screw but was that guy right or no on tweak'n it?
droppedb-2000   +1y
cleaned my k & n filter, i think it was, reoiled, and now deleted and plugged up the pcv valve. the egr was deleted already. the top is just open on the valve cover.
hocbj23   +1y
If ur HC is hi need to get as much o2 in the carb as u can.Make sure air filter is clean.Set time up to 5% BTDC,regap ur plugs to .o35, run the highest octane gas u can get and run the sh-- out of the truck before the test .bj
mazda86   +1y

Yeah prpbably not the best thing for your truck but it helps it pass...I have a webber with no emmissions crap and also a header...but i do have just a regular universal cat on there and i still passed.
hocbj23   +1y
back in the day it was moth balls (please dont run around with a net at nite trying to catch furry flying things and taking off their Balls-Lol).They have a high concentration of naptha-also used in lighter fluid.Burns real hot,but in high enough concentration will also grenade your engine.BJ
layedoutb2k (chase)   +1y
we tryed those moth balls in a briggs flat head motor and man it screamed. though we were getting some detonation so i would be carefull about tryin that on a vehicle. it also ran on methanol so im not sure about how differently it reacts.